Pelzer family papers, 1904-1962.


Pelzer family papers, 1904-1962.

The Pelzer collection documents the lives of an Iowa City family over the first half of the 20th century. The collection is especially remarkable for its documentation of Pelzer's career at the University of Iowa, the World War II letters written by the Pelzer sons, and the numerous photographs of family and Iowa City. The papers pertaining to Louis Pelzer include notes for writings and teaching, student notebooks, correspondence, materials from the Hultzen-Townsend and athletics department investigations, and some of his writings about the American West, Iowa history, Stephen Watts Kearny , the cattle industry, soldiers in the nineteenth century, and the Dodge family. Mildred Pelzer's papers include biographical materials, correspondence, legal and financial records, clippings, brochures, speeches, writings, etc. related to her art career and a scrapbook devoted to the 1936-1937 activities of the fine arts department of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. The papers of Henry Louis Pelzer and L. Parker Pelzer include war time correspondence with their parents and earlier miscellaneous school papers and memorabilia saved by Mildred. The subjects of the photographs include family members, residences and vacations, artwork, and various undated and unidentified people and places.

1 scrapbook.

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